Follow the adventures of Mog and Gom as they meet the inhabitants of King Earon's Park, find the missing Wogom rocks and rescue their friends. Mog and Gom are a highly motivational series of 72 books covering Phases 2-5 of Letters and Sounds.
Whereas our Letters and Sounds resources all use photo mnemonics, our Mog and Gom resources all use the illustrated mnemonics with patters. The phonic progression is exactly the same but the Mog and Gom series has been split into 12 units instead of 5 phases. Either sets of decodable books can be used with each other but to ensure fidelity please choose one type of classroom resource (e.g. flash cards, mnemonic cards, friezes).
Books Feature:
- A structured, cumulative progression covering all Phases 2-5
- A new book for every grapheme (spelling)
- Exactly matched to the Letters and Sounds progression
- Each book has the graphemes (spellings) printed on the front
- Fully decodable with a gradual introduction of tricky words
- Each book includes a game using the focus phoneme
Inside covers feature:
72 books levelled at phases 2-5 of Letters and Sounds:
Mog and Gom Unit 1 | Title |
/s/a/t/p/i/ | Pip Sat |
/n/ | Tap a Tin |
/m/ | Sam |
/d/ | Dad is Sad |
/g/ | Sid and the Map |
/o/ | Mog and Gom |
Mog and Gom Unit 2 | Title |
/c/ | Mag the Cat |
/k/ | Kit the Dog |
/ck/ | Is Mag Sick? |
/e/ | The Men |
/u/ | Get the Nut |
/r/ | Run Pip Run |
Mog and Gom Unit 3 | Title |
/h/ | Hop to the Hut |
/b/ | Bob and Peg |
/f/ ff | Huff and Puff |
/l/ ll | Mog and Lill |
ss | Gom the Boss |
s | Mog’s Ticket |
Mog and Gom Unit 4 | Title |
/j/ | Mog’s Jet |
/v/ | Get the Vet |
/w/ | Kit is in a Rut |
/x/ | Bed at Six |
/y/ | Yams for Pip |
/z/ | Yip Yap Zip Zap |
Mog and Gom Unit 5 | Title |
/zz/ | Buzz Buzz |
/qu/ | Quit It |
/ch/ | A Wish at the Well |
/sh/ | Mash and Chop |
/th/ | Moths in the Shop |
/ng/ | The Thing |
Mog and Gom Unit 6 | Title |
/ai/ | Paint the Hut |
/ee/ | The Boss is Back |
/igh/ | Midnight Nap |
/oa/ | The Queen’s Coat |
/oi/ | Coin in the Well |
/oo/ | Mood for Food |
Mog and Gom Unit 7 | Title |
/ow/ | Pip and the Owl |
/ar/ | Food in the Cart |
/air/ | The Haircut |
/ear/ | Shark in the Park |
/ur/ | King Earon |
/or/ /ure/ | A Rock for Gom |
Mog and Gom Unit 8 | Title |
cvcc | A Cure for Bob |
ccvc | The Missing Rock |
ccvcc | Gom Thanks Sid |
cccvcc | A Gift for the Queen |
-est | The Red Jam Room |
-ing | Ned Gets Help |
Mog and Gom Unit 9 | Title |
(schwa) | Wogom |
-ed | Crash Landed |
/ch/ tch | Gom Meets Earon |
/ee/ y ey | Gill Gets Pop |
/v/ ve | Looking for Mog |
/l/ le | Put the Kettle On |
Mog and Gom Unit 10 | Title |
ow-ou | Ouch! |
ee-ea | Captain Mork |
ai-ay | Ned Plays the Horn |
igh-ie | Ned’s Parrot |
oo-yoo | The Rescue Plan |
oi-oy | The Quest Begins |
Mog and Gom Unit 11 | Title |
or-au | Claw Hand |
ur-ir | Mr Frown |
w-wh | The Elephant |
f-ph | The Haunted Hut |
yoo-ew | The Dragon’s Egg |
oa-oe | River Foe |
Mog and Gom Unit 12 | Title |
ai-a-e | Visit from Mr Frown |
ee-e-e | Plan Complete |
igh-i-e | The Bus Driver |
oa-o-e | No Joke! |
yoo-u-e | Gom’s Rules |
zh | A Vision of Wogom |
Inside Pages:
Mog and Gom Library Evaluation
More than just books, Mog and Gom Resources:
- Mnemonic Cards
- Alphabet Frieze
- Phoneme Frieze
- Grow the Code Posters and Charts
- Grapheme Cards